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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
~ 2:58 AM ~
hmz.. i gues i should start updating.. lest ppl think i hav an external blog or sth..

tomoro's teachers' day.. cant go back to alma mata.. gotta make chocolate tartt.. lols.. or could hav gone to hang out wif frens.. iznt that better than hanging out in some kitchen stirring flour and sugar, juggling chocolate chips..?.. haiz.. but we hav other intentions.. no choice.. everything like so unprepared.. cant imagine wad happens if the stupid tarts cant sell out.. arghh. basket why m i worrying so much. stupid. so wad if the tarts cant sell. not like the money goes to me. arghh.. y m i saying all these. stupid.

haix.. stress. stupid =.= stress wad?.. exam jus over stres wad? .. haix.. busy making plans for the next 3 days.. so sian. y cant i jus stay at home and sleep. haix. y m i hibernating already?.. =.=.. ok i noe wad caused this unforeseen mood change. i noe. must be that music on my bro's comp.. hai. such nice songs sets me thinking. and sometimes thinking of rubbish gets on the nerves..

hai. last sunday my bro was inanely bugging me with a reiterated phrase :" ehh my olevels endss tomoro~!!" as simple as it seems with no harm in content, but well it sure has impacted the little soul in me..

i realise i cant wait for the day when the Os are over. can u believe it?.. when i arent even sec 4 i cant wait for the Os to be over. doesn this show how horrifying the exams are?..

and the so many countless things that my bro has planned for himself, his future,.. sets me thinking.. wad on earth m i looking for?.. i wann to go overseas wif my frens.. like my bro's gg hongkong wif his frens... hai not fair. i cannot imagine next yr when my bro is free like a bird and i m still sloggin for the next 10 months or so. haix. when will our misery as students end?.. the only slightest encouragment for myself is that i m not alone. nev. everyone else will be slogging like me.. at least for my bunch of frens..

read from sm's blogg.. wher the few of them were discussing wad their ambition is.. and i realise i dunno wad i wann to be.. like she said.. some ppl jus study for they hav no idea wad they wann in life.. so they study for the sake of it.. i mean so many times we hav had compos to write on <> or <>.. but i mean who cares right?.. everyone's aiming for the best.. whose ambition is to be a toilet bowl scrubber?..

rubbish. why on earth am i engaging myself in such a topic as AMBITION =.= .. whr's life?.. searching for my life..

i cant stand pro-C ppl. yes.

wadd a depressing entry..
ok nvm.
maybe all you readers should hav jus clicked the X long ago.
or maybe not.
here comes the happier part.

yah.. and since its teacher's day and everything.. nice ppl like us got some stuff for coach which sent him smiling from ear to ear.. and some of us while doing singles drills caught him reading our card by the bench and grinning to himself.. lols. um chio..

ehmx yea.. and trg ended in a twinkle of an eye. time always passes by in such an instant on trg days.. sigh.. how i wish we could jus let time stop there and then. not during pt but during match time.. cool. looking forward to the day when we hav an improvised team. wad should be our benchmark?..

and don we wonder at times.. is all that we hav done worth our efforts?.. jus like hb.. aimlessly hoping for a miracle when it's so clearly shown wad the future brings.. though the 0.01% of possibility could become factual..
"i did it jus so she would be happy.. y must she do this to me?." hmx.. true. how noble.. ><

facing tomoro with trepidation.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
~ 2:36 PM ~
oh i realised it has been ten days since i last blogged.. it has been a long while.
haven been active and this thing's collecting some dust. *swipes*

lots of things going on these few days.. 10 days to be exact.. hmx wher should i start?. this is the negative thing bout not being assiduously bloggin on time.. ><

ehm.. jus some updates.. some badminton cup or sth jus ended.. and my dear idol rank 2nd. nvm she will kick the 1st off the rostrum very soon. and some guy's driving me crazy wif his idol or rather idols jus so recently.. oh well. i guess it's over.
and i hav the terrible feeling that the transformation may jus be too GOOD to be true..
argh.. i guess i have to make the best out of this. motivating myself with idolism. changing an idol to suit my own needs.. what's it with all that idolism and everything.. with all that junyang derrick lindan gaoling blah blah blah.. geez.

wad else.. this selective memory is getting onto the nerves..

ah yes. big change. sitting position. argh.. jus how short m i for tok to look up upon me and throw me at the back. grr.. has he some sense to at least throw mingyu or junjie to the back or sth.. lol. *ops*.. ok nvm.. once again we learn to make the best out of the situation.. hmz yes.. weelic linhai kenneth zhongming arkar are NICE ppl.. oh wow.. mdm neo's psycho skills sure do put to some use.. ah.. yes a whole row of guys.. if amelia werent at the back i would be the only pathetic 1.. *sighs* but then again.

guys rocks right?..
*nods to myself*

i know everybody empathize with me.. it makes me feel even worst serious. it doesn help u noe.. ah..

always look on the bright side of life. dumdum dumdumdumdumdumdum.. there's still cybil huimin cheryl nearby.. wow.. life is great. =.= lolx. ok mad.

but i miss my old place seriously.. miss sitting infront of ruth and kumboon.. behind the very noisy but entertaining sherhan and cybil.. entertaining refers to former and noisy to latter. whahhaha.. and of course beside qijia. and xiangjun.. it sure beats sitting ard wif sum guys.. but oh wel.. thats life. its unfair u noe.. good things are shortlived. jus like all times. lets rearrange back to the old arrangement!! *self deception*

hmz.. wads next.. hmx. yes.. teacher's day prep. today went to see 4/3's performance.. pretty impressive to hear the "4/3 choir" as jia wei puts it.. hmx.. reali wonder if 3/7 will ever sing together. or at least manage to co-operate. those guys that i mentioned earlier.. sigh. wad should i say. lols..
so heart warming that feeling. the feeling that wasnt present in the past. now life's anew. we look forward to a brighter future =)

oh yea.. and meigui's blog has a reali interesting entry. lolx.. which i shaall not further publicise than this.. *alert all readers though* lolx.. she had better bribe me wif mentos. jus like for meigui.

recently 2 guys from ju ying sec has been trgin wif us.. and coach is being unusually generous too.. a treat for dinner and another bowling treat for the rest.. wow. cool. cant wait for trging .. feeling so inspired and motivated to run. woots.

choz for now.

and before i end.. it could be observed that many are reiterating the fact that results sucks jus like exams. sighx.. we shalln bring in a discussion of exams in here and dampen the spirit. keep it alive guys.. !=) cheers..
Monday, August 15, 2005
~ 4:05 AM ~
oh yes have i mentioned how much we all adore tan teck poh?..
ask all the students he teaches u will get almost the same reply.. or at least 3/7 and 3/6 does. it iznt exactly surprising to hear that both 3/7 and 3/6 got him a monkey for his birthday. hahax. since that's his fav quote.

it was last friday where he spent the whole maths period telling us how 2/3 of our class hav flunk emaths.. and going on and on about not having to be green in a test and to use as much paper as we need.. even to do rough workings we should jus use another piece of paper instead writing in pencil and rubbing it off later.

it amuses the class when he went on to how our own survival is more impt that to be green.. for instance..

being lost in a jungle alone and there's only one bird endangered species ..only one left in the world. you don be green and just "eat it" .

so cute!! *some of you readers may think we're crazy.. but you guys jus don know how much we adore him then.

den he said "if got a lot of bird..ah, den okay okay, environmentally friendly, dun eat birds.. can eat cake."
hahax.. so funny the way he put it. cake. lolx..

and then the thing bout not building power plants or wadever that pollute the air izit?.. yah.. he says if we don build it other ppl will. so y let other ppl benefit. hahahx.. ttp cute!>.<

thats all for ttp for now.

today's alexis birthday. y did i remember so clearly?..
happy birthday alexis!*

hahs.. cause the bad team were invited to her birthday chalet ytd.. so interestingly only joan fiona jeremy and me turned up. but nevertheless we stil had funn entertaining ourselves.. ahhs.. and weiching was there also. and jonathan left early for family chalet, and wy perlin popped over for a while from their family chalet oso.. wow.. everybody's family so got life.. lolx..

hmx.. then finally ppl used their 1 favour. and now there's only 1 left to pay back! yea! 3 cheers for me. hip hip hurray!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
~ 2:33 PM ~
finally this marks the end of term 3 tortures. or maybe not. receiving the excellent results might be another torture to our puny brain cells.

there was this funny thing that happened this morning which shouldn be broadcasted *yet i m writing here*. ehm.. the final-countdown played for quite some time and as usual our class cannot hear.. therefore draggin the time ..

ehm.. went to 4th floor toilet wif orange.
then it was like pretty quiet la. cause almost all the ppl hav gone down for assembly already.. i suppose.. and we were outside the toilet talking bout superstar.. and some animal from the zoo.. until like all the late comers i presumed hav gone down oso.. saw wl and jg running to assembly..

and then orange wanted to go toilet.. so we went in.. and us being nonchalant as usual.. dint notice anything else except the topic that occupied us. Discussing about weijian being out of the race and leaving with weilian and junyang in the competition, we were pretty "higH" in discussion.

Orange went into the 2nd cubicle and i stood outside waiting.. we were still happily shouting across the cubicle door when i heard this so-called-ghostly-voice saying :"junyang....." "weijian....."

.momentarily there was silence from the both of us.

*i suppose she heard it as well*.. and so i was like.. ehm.. damn that orange. y cant she jus get out now..

and when she opened the cubicle door she was like "got ppl ah?.." and there was consternation in her look. and so i was like hurry-wash-ur-hand-and-get-out-of-here!!! though i got a shock also, i still tried to remain intrepid.. unlike that naomi who went ard telling ppl she was seriously scared =.=

lolx.. then her face was contorted with fear. so funny.. so she was like tiptoeing out of the toilet.. hopefully not stirring up any necessary noises such that the unnecessaries are not disturbed?.. hahax..

yah.. then later we were outside and we happened to see lots of 3/5-ers late for assembly hiding ard.. and so happened that steve saw us and them all.. so he told us all to go for assembly.. and alert naomi was like:" oh we 2 are on duty.." so we went back to toilet and i said :" we suspect got 2 gals inside the toilet.."

so we 2 v funny.. we literally pushed the door open and creep in. no wonder steve found it funny. we could see pairs of shoes in the last cubicle which was closed.. and so i went to knock on the door cause naomi was somewhere.. i duno. ehm.. and told those ppl inside to come out. obvious they wouldn. and guess wad stupid excuse they gave. "got that thing la. u oso girl u oso noe right." so we 2 were like wadever and then we went out tell steve.. and he told us nvm.. cause he see this sort of things a lot liao.. he got experience la.. and so we stood outside and tok to him until the bumble bee started.. then we went back to class.. leaving the gals to him..ahhs.. wonder wad he do to them ..

ehm.. now think back its seriously stupid la. obviously those ppl will try to scare us away cause they don wan ppl to catch them or sth.. since they are trying to escape assembly.. and naomi said she noticed the last cubicle was closed =.= but she was still scared out of her wits -.- ok nvm. stupid.

hmz.. wad else did i wanted to say. sharks.. ehm.. oh yah. stupid to end the exams wif a stupid physics paper. ok nvm. feed back to the sch: don put exams after a long break. like this national day. seriously not effective for me =.= after the break, the engine has died and god noes how i will fare for bio physics and lit. sigh. nvm. i shall not add to ppl's depression. so to whoever who reads this paragraph, i m telling you i m striking this off. except the feedback part.

for now i cant remember wad else i hav to say.. jus hope to enjoy tomoro to the fullest.
for now.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
~ 2:20 PM ~
hmx.. lets recollect wad happened today..

oh yes..

happy birthday singapore~

oh yes..

happy birthday ttp!!! idol!!!~~ hahax..

so we celebrated singapore's birthday today in the need to build the psychological mind of all singaporeans to aid in psychological defence as one of the 5 aspects of total defence.. mainly the civil defence, military defence, economic defence, social defence and of course the psychological defence. All singaporeans can play a part in defending their country by learning how to protect themselves in an emergency, being able minded and fit for national service, upgrading themselves to help the economic thrive, getting along well with fellow singaporeans and of course participating actively in national day celebrations.

ehm.. the aftershocks of social studies exam.. ignore me.

ehm yah.. so after the celebration.. aiya.. as usual.. we should get ourselves involved in Community Involvement Programmes even after we leave school. oh cool. like who will. =/. this will build social defence leh. cool.

hahs.. ehm yah. this year we sec 3s went to collect newspapers from nearby blocks la.. yah.. 3/7 got 576-578.. hehx the bunch of us got 577 la.. weelic linhai junjie mingyu sherhan ruth cybil qijia weiting naomi sokmui.. yup. *keep counting 11 and i realised i 4got to count myself =.=*

ehm then we split into 2 group cause 577 got 2 stairway.. yah.. so we collected alot of newspaper la.. so nice of some of them.. especially this uncle who offer us drinks..

so funny la..
everybody say don wan.. then mingyu wan but bu hao yi si take.. so weiting say.. aiya.. shui bian la. liang bao gou le la.. then the uncle take 1 carton for her.. "gou mah?." then he took another carton for us. =.= hahax.. so nice of him. and so qiao blk 577 de ppl got 12 so each 1 got 1 packet.. hahx.. cool.

so collect finish le we happily carried the big piles of newspapers to blk 574 wher 3/5 3/6 and 3/7 gathered.. yah. then started raining..
waited for mr tok until the rain turn small liao. then escape without waiting for the lorry to come.. hehz.. got small dispute.. luckily got best fren ard. if not i v chum. hai.

ehm.. then went j8.. so bloody crowded today. reali shui xie bu tong la.. alamak. squeeze like mad. especially outside cinema and neoprint shop. then later eat at food court liao walk not even 10mins pq say she wan go liao. go meet her sis. haiyo. ok lor. then left we 3.. then took neo then went plaza sing =/ cause ppl there mah. then ppl wan go early =.= *ok wadever* doesnt matter..

yah so ok lor. went there. ppl must be damn happy la. ok nvm. so we ps ppl or izit ppl ps us. so me and best fren go walk and see. went to action city. and stupidly broke their stuff. must be a pig brain la. hold that thing until can drop =.= .. make we 2 so paiseh. the bloody crowd turned and looked at us lor. summore i escape to look for the shop ppl.. then left poor guy standing there kena "looked at" by ppl. lolx.. *paiseh =s* hahs.. then ehm left $4 on me. so best fren took all his money out- $27. -.- that bloody thing cost $29.90. *buy 4-D* budden dunno y the shop ppl say "its ok.. " so nice. so no nid pay.. so faster run la. so malu. =/
1st time break ppl's thing.. ahh. 8 August 2005. nice number. 882005 ahh.. *spastic.*

then go food court let him eat cause we tot got go watch movie..then he tot eat popcorn can liao.. then in the end dunno why everybody sian diao... must be cause damn freeking crowded.. *hope iznt self deception* so aiya 4get it la. so poor him haven eat yet. hahas.. so paiseh la. ask him come out then haiya.. some jokers lidat. ok nvm. hai i still the best. =/ bhb.

20 odd hours before
couldn dream.
tossing turning could cause insomnia. =/
haix. thinking too much.

before one speaks of others they should first check on themselves.
rose among the thousand thorns.
the future lies in your hands.
curve it the way deem fit.
think carefully before you cant turn back.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
~ 2:56 PM ~
Social Studies
Additional Mathematics
Higher Mother Tongue
English Language
Elementary Mathematics
Lit elective

oh wow.. finally this week is over.. and left with like jus 3 more test next week?.. we shall persevere till the end!

the feeling of the end of geog today is a burden lifted. poor jaSsmine.. the whole week nev come.. only managed to take emaths.. then next week will be a stressing week for her.. oh boy.. take care sia..

today junjie oso nev come.. then in the morning sherhan happened to not be in school.. heard cybil say she sick.. lolx.. and i was like sayin .. yea! no sherhan for the 1st time.. *obviously joking la.* yah i miss her so much >.<
hahas.. and the guys[pingkee, kenneth, arkar, zhongming]were saying they 2 last night too excited this morning cant wake up or sth.. yah as usual sick of them in the brain la. yah.. but sherhan happened to come during chem prac. *1st lesson* yup.. ppl hyperventilation and constipation laa. canot walk >< lolx. no comment.

and then recess had that arguement.. haiya. again. making amendments? wad is this. hai. nvm.. ppl tell me i should not care.
ppl say they will learn from experience. how true. geez.

hmzx.. then got geog test after recess.. ok la. jus that ppl seem to write v v long answers unlike me..

yah then after sch had sprint meeting.. hmx.. yann qi so funny. always the target of our jokes..
and then make junkiat so gangar by saying the choco bar thing. lolx. funny seh.. ms thoo ask him y he come back.. and he say see see.. lolx.. we wonder see wad hor?.. lolx..

hmz.. then after that we went to dance a while.. then went buy present for jg at plaza sing.. saw rying and shuling.. cool!.. ahhax.. then see see stuff a while then go home..

so tired after a week of work..

oh yah and did i mention that i was spastic enuff to not bring back my geog textbk ytd to study =.=.. all thanks to those ppl who shifted our bags to the discussion room.. haiya.. anyhow put my geog stuff then 4got bring home.. moreover i still asked ser wad will she do if she 4got to bring home her book.. and she was telling me "too bad la".. -.- ehm yah.. and so i thought of who could still be in sch.. and thank god joan was stil ther.. noe she wanted to go watch dsa for badminton de.. yah.. so called her and tada.. i found my miracle..
wow.. so nice of her.. offer to bring my book to sengkang -.- noe she don wan let me go her house.. yah i noe.. then so interesting.. she sms at 5+ tell me she reaching le[cause she dunno wher to alight so i told her when she see ponggol park to msg me].. and so i went to the bus stop to meet her.. [cause she will alight when she sees me at the busstop].. and so interesting.. i waited for so long that i decided to walk back home.. *and i realised i got real bad memory that day* 4got to bring money for joan cause she bus card no money.

ehm where was i* .. sharks.. stm again..

ehm.. yah.. and so i called her so many times.. but she rejected all my calls.. and i was wondering where on earth did she go. or she decide to hai me. don gimme my book >< .. lolx..

ehm.. yah.. so later 6+ she suddenly sms me.. tell me say she is lost. no idea wher she is. =.= so i went in search of the missing joan.
and after clarification: joan got lost. took bus all the way to pasir ris =.=
rejected my call cause don like tok on fone on bus.
nev reply my sms caus she scared i scold her =.=

ok..nvm.. wad a cute fren.. >< yyup.. this is the journey that my geog book had.. lolx..
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
~ 1:49 PM ~
argh. stupid me. and at the eleventh hour i realised i studied the unnecessary =.= shit me

and i so realised how much i hate myself for that. *bangs wall*

and now i see stupid numbers clogging up my brain.

god damn anderson. seriously its getting stupid. especially when they put chem and emaths together, we can conclude that they hav totally no brains.. if that iznt the case then they must be wanting to see us all flooding the mental hospitals.

yeah tan gave us hersheys(how you spell?) today.. >< for now i shall say he rocks! but koh nicer stil!. and for that little chocolate that he offered to us and to help us destress as he puts it, i shall mug chem for his sake ><


+1/3'03 2/3'04 3/7'05 4/7'06 07s56.
+31th Oct.
+vjc badminton.


Hi everyone. I should say you must be scrutinizing every part of my blog to be reading this arent you? Well, if you're that bored or interested in me, this is me you're looking at. Just a typical mundane human being living in this distorted world filled with what we call friends and foes. It's just me to get all maudlin and touchy about friendships and covalent bonds that i painstakingly built, and it's most dreading to realise what you call friends are actually fair-weathered ones and ditch you for others. You know.. that sort of ambivalent feelings which arises with such friendships. From young, my pedagogues have complained of me being temperamental and from there i have learnt and seen the world beyond me, where there happened to be people fairing far worst than i do. I realised in this period of isolation that life turns out to be happier for everyone if people knew how to be sate with life. It's just in the genes that human beings have to take things for granted and learn to appreciate things only when they have lost it. Sad isn't it?. I admit possessing that characteristic, which led me to losing what i should have treasured most, with great regrets. Now, like Krishna, we are inclined to seeking comfort from things that we are familiar with, unaccustomed to changes. It may not appear to be me on the outside, braving the winds of the outside world, strong and unbeatable. Like the saying goes, never judge the book by its cover, and i believe in that, in the way i credit people. We all treasure private space don't we?.. It's just human nature. And of course it most dreading to feel deserted by your friends isn't it.. ? To feel cheated and betrayed.. Well, live a sate life readers!


+memories of the past..
+2/3'04.. where i met all of u..
+4/7'06.. the past.
+And. badminton.. where unity lies. love the ppl in it.. especially my batch of peers and the seniors!
+07s56 and jie-meis! the present.
+vjc shuttlers.. the domination of spasticity.

It's a whole new episode.


Wishing Tree


+united 07s56..
+~mORe mOre mOre neopRints~
+to be loved..
+true friends..
+to be with you =)..

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ex holys.















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