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Monday, June 14, 2010
~ 1:30 PM ~
Hey all, I'm back for a while! Because work's killing me with boredom, there's nothing much to do (which is a good thing because you get paid for nothing) but it gets a little boring, and I can't sleep anytime I want to. But this time my boss is much better than the other time at OMD. It really tells alot when you just work for a day as compared to a month. And it's really great here cos it feels like home. There's internet, there's food, there's money to collect while blogging, facebooking, video watching. Couldn't get better except if there were more temps here for me to talk to.

It's a good change of environment to watching videos at home i guess. Been busy with TM stuff till now(and more work just got piled on me because the exco incharge just disappeared back to hometown), preparing to clear as many projects as possible during the holidays. Really enjoyed my project 3- Serve with your heart. My first attempt at acting, though i din't manage to get best speaker, but I'm satisfied enough to have people telling me "I think your speech was the best." Thanks qs for coming down to support and coordinate with my speech, totally appreciate it (though you forgot to film it for me ><) I think i'm really enjoying myself in TM, because it has changed me in some ways. Hope to do the best for my club, and prove my worth.

Life's good now, can get better though (heh.) But i can't imagine what's gonna happen when school starts. I hope I'll enjoy myself with my specialisation. And right now, it's just Taiwan to look forward to!

Man are not lone islands, they cant survive without friends.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
~ 1:51 PM ~
Christmas = love.

This year's christmas is merry jolly happy cheery starry christmas according to boss. Alvin and the chipmunks are soooo cute, i wanna rear some chipmunks of my own. LOL. We had carl's jr for dinner and it was my first time, awesome! We hung around a lot, and followed a bunch of drummers who were as spastic as boss was. :D When it was almost time, we headed for Jewel Box at Mt Faber which was an eye opener. The toilets were so iconic that a man walked into the female toilet blatantly thinking it was for sight seeing. Kind of hilarious with all the ladies staring at him without his realisation. Christmas is the time for giving (trading of cameras time and again throughout the night), and it was apparent everyone was in the festive mood with santa hat clips (which i never knew where they came from) and santa hats of all designs. We busked in the christmas spirit with the foam falling down on us like snow. After we had enough of soap for the day, we went for a stroll. It was a nice walk with good company. I rode on a reindeer (since it's christmas) after a walk back from hendersen waves. Pretty cool ride from the usual horse that i ride on. :P After which we had supper of ee mian (taste superb too!) at toa payoh before heading home.

All i want for christmas is you.
Friday, December 04, 2009
~ 9:15 PM ~
Phuket was awesome, great company, lots of fun.

We were gathered bright and early at the budget terminal, all set to have the time of our lives. There were many first times that i experienced on this trip, including the search for the budget terminal. Nora was late, as usual. >< Before we knew it, we had already arrived in phuket where lots of fun awaits us. Bargaining was the norm over there, and we had really good "bargainers" in our pack. We got so into bargaining you'd think we were crazy, you would see why later.

We took a cab (after fierce bargainings) to our hotel - silvertel, and got settled in. Great place, near the beach and streets, just one night without hot water for the guys and drips of water for us. Service wasn't too bad, with internet access at the lobby. After which, we went for lunch and did some shopping around. It was all going at leisure pace, until it started to rain late in the evening. We were all stuck in the rain, seven to three umbrellas. And we trek our way to the mall with puny umbrellas that got all of us drenched, some on one side, others all over. It was the first time getting all wet and sitting in the cinema catching our near to midnight movie - Ninja Assassin, a bloody and gory show which din't help relieve the cold. It was freezing as i shivered in my seat, feeling only the warmth from my fellow companion.

We thought that would be the end of an unexpected change of events, but it was far from that. On the way back to the hotel, we faced a flood - aftermath of the heavy rain. And the waters were almost knee deep at places. It was when we saw kindness in people who drove past us slowly (in fear of splashing water at us) and finally one tuk tuk driver offered us a free ride past the flooded areas. We offered him a tip out of appreciation. It was an experience of a lifetime indeed, which made our day more exciting than ever, but our days went uphill in terms of excitement.

The second day was a package tour which we signed up for. With a bunch of other tourists, we tried out different activities lined up for us. We saw lots of monkeys that were stalking qisheng who had the icecream and rode the elephant that produced faeces perpetually. We drove the ATV (a vehicle that could climb rough terrains) where i lost control and rammed a tree because my hands were tired after squeezing the brakes for a long time. >.< But we came to conclude naga girls could drive better than non nagalings. hehe. We went to see a waterfall and did white water rafting which was ultra cool. Most were first time experiences for most of us, very value for money. After getting back to our hotel, we washed up and went for dinner before continuing with our shopping spree. Also making a trip to carrefour to search for candles and whipped cream for Nora's birthday surprise. Back at the hotel, our plans for surprise went on as scheduled, and after which we htht into the night.

On our last day, we woke up later than usual because we wanted to surprise Nora with a cake in bed. Amazingly she woke up earlier than expected, hence it took a lie to cover up. Had a mini celebration in our room before heading for breakfast at macs. On this day, it was all sun and sea at patong beach. Right there, we saw a thailand version of Yongnan who was very animated and kept trying to pick Shaline up. The rest of us were indulged in the sea activities while Shaline who was afraid of water stayed on shore (well taken care of by the thais) We did jet-skiing and banana boating, while joyce and qisheng also tried their para sailing. It was an awesome ride against the wave on the jet ski with my dearest boss, and the adrenaline on the banana boat where we sang and cheered together like small kids, getting ready to topple into the sea. We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun..

The amazing part of bargaining came in here, where we bargained by the minutes for a longer jet ski ride. We finally came to a conclusion of 41 mins.

After much fun, we sat on the beach chairs and dozed off drying under the sun. Caught our memories in pictures before heading back to our hotel to "qiang qiang". Because it was the last night, we had a sumptuous dinner of seafood which laid our tables. Prawns, fish, vegetables, eggs, tom yum kung, pat tai, fried squid, crab. Heavenly! We ate like we've not eaten for 10 days, hungry peasants on the run.

All good things come to an end, and before we knew it, it was time to return back to where we belong, and face the real world. I'm sure this trip would be imprinted in our minds for a long time. (: Cheers to phuket gang!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
~ 6:44 AM ~
Finally! Exams are over! Though i think most of it has been pretty screwed up, but we shall not think about it now and pray for the best. Haven't had so much stress since marketing presentation, couldn't believe it to break down again, but really thankful to my dear roomie, qs and yx for the constant support, concern and encouragement throughout the exam period. And of course everyone else who went through it all with me. (:

And guess what? I'm currently locked out of the house at 6.45am after a very long night with htht khakis. Thank god for having internet connection at the void deck to keep me occupied. LOL. Once again, can't believe how this feeling brings back memories of being locked out of the house last december after the tonning session at yanjie's house.

The night at marina barrage has been really carefree, stressless and fruitful. I feel so out of touch with my friends during the damn exams! Antisocial and hard core pessimistic mugger is just not my style, it's time to catch up with all the hthts that happened without me!

Given all that hthts, I really hope our friendship will stay the same regardless of what happens, what choices we make, or what the future may bring. Because the bottom line is, I treasure you guys a lot.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
~ 4:59 PM ~
I would like to sincerely thank many awesome friends who have contributed to such a fantastic 19th birthday. It would be of great pleasure of mine to write a long post of gratitude, but due to the fact that there are 2 horrible quizzes to study for coming monday, i shall keep it short and sweet.

Special thanks to:
Qisheng and Raymond for being the masterminds of naga's celebrations and preparation of presents
Zhiling for getting the cake (amazingly i even came to know about this)
My Cute roomie for being so cute and the present with tk
Awesome sixsome, Kabu, for the impromptu surprise
Roy and Winston for the crazy choice of 4 cakes
Gf for calling all the way from australia
My dear Boss for the very sweet surprise and poem
Jie meis for the very special date and preparation for this day
Family for the very nice routine
Yx for the very thoughtful gift
And last but not least everyone else for their best wishes (:

It has been a blasting birthday thanks to all of you!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
~ 12:20 PM ~
I feel really distracted and unfocused. The feeling of uncertainty is stifling.
Monday, October 26, 2009
~ 6:19 PM ~
Well, I guess university life is setting in after almost three months. It has been work and more work, superficial friendship making aka networking, and getting irritated by projects/ group members. Apart from all that down side, there's of course the good side of it. That's getting to know great friends and feeling truly appreciated. I got to start learning how to express appreciation :D But basically i love hall and the people here. (:

If you haven't sensed it, today is a happy monday because it's end of projects FINALLY. Although there's still exams and quizzes coming up. Geez. That probably explains why i'm blogging here because i feel like it's december already and that feeling is awesome. But i must say i'm currently very happy with life, apart from screwed up quizzes and reports.

Working on toastmasters makes me feel very accomplished, even though i'm just done with project one. Missed the best speaker award the first time but oh well, really glad to have lots of support from my friends with their constant encouragement and interest to come down to support. Love you guys. (: Past few weeks have been pretty depressing with lots of deadlines to meet and amidst those, other matters of the heart to deal with, but i'm glad i can finally breathe right now.

Okay lets leave it at that for now, econs and stats quiz in a week's time! Let's go!


+1/3'03 2/3'04 3/7'05 4/7'06 07s56.
+31th Oct.
+vjc badminton.


Hi everyone. I should say you must be scrutinizing every part of my blog to be reading this arent you? Well, if you're that bored or interested in me, this is me you're looking at. Just a typical mundane human being living in this distorted world filled with what we call friends and foes. It's just me to get all maudlin and touchy about friendships and covalent bonds that i painstakingly built, and it's most dreading to realise what you call friends are actually fair-weathered ones and ditch you for others. You know.. that sort of ambivalent feelings which arises with such friendships. From young, my pedagogues have complained of me being temperamental and from there i have learnt and seen the world beyond me, where there happened to be people fairing far worst than i do. I realised in this period of isolation that life turns out to be happier for everyone if people knew how to be sate with life. It's just in the genes that human beings have to take things for granted and learn to appreciate things only when they have lost it. Sad isn't it?. I admit possessing that characteristic, which led me to losing what i should have treasured most, with great regrets. Now, like Krishna, we are inclined to seeking comfort from things that we are familiar with, unaccustomed to changes. It may not appear to be me on the outside, braving the winds of the outside world, strong and unbeatable. Like the saying goes, never judge the book by its cover, and i believe in that, in the way i credit people. We all treasure private space don't we?.. It's just human nature. And of course it most dreading to feel deserted by your friends isn't it.. ? To feel cheated and betrayed.. Well, live a sate life readers!


+memories of the past..
+2/3'04.. where i met all of u..
+4/7'06.. the past.
+And. badminton.. where unity lies. love the ppl in it.. especially my batch of peers and the seniors!
+07s56 and jie-meis! the present.
+vjc shuttlers.. the domination of spasticity.

It's a whole new episode.


Wishing Tree


+united 07s56..
+~mORe mOre mOre neopRints~
+to be loved..
+true friends..
+to be with you =)..

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ex holys.















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